Thursday, June 21, 2007

Eighteen Postponem3nt.

My Blog Is Laggy

Fourth Week Of F.Y.P

Dang, i haven't been blogging or what not's..
kinda busy with work and play... or rather, i got lazy, so here i am, giving a low down on the stuff that my buds and myself have been up too..nothing too corny,
i'll start from last friday..

I was invited to Microsoft's XNA Framework workshop on friday, along with a project mate of mine..
Microsoft is located in One Marina Blvd. The NTUC building in raffles..
we almost locate the place, until we came across ONE RAFFLES QUAY wargh!!
Thanks to our superb navigation skills, we managed to reached the registration booth too early..

My Project mate.. the lovely.. PT..
we got to the registration too early, and was told to come back later...
so we kinda hanged at One Raffles Quay..
kinda spotted this outlet, called


The mandarin characters for CHOPSTICKS

the food served actually looks quite good, pity we didn't have much time, but i'm sure she would want to savor the cuisine with Doctor D =P

along, one raffles quay, we saw this whole line of colorful lines..
so i kinda took a shot of it..
figured this one was the best of them all..

Blurred colors.. wonderful ;)

So, we attended the workshop, it's about creating a Xbox360 game, from a particular coding, seems rather fun, but debugging it wasn't

all in all, the workship was informative, but like any workshops courses, they were encouraging us to join the workshop for a cheaper student rate price :P

The view from the microsoft workshop level was breathtaking, PT and myself were awed in our pants.. on our seats..

couldn't get good shots..
ha..or , i got alittle lazy..
so here's one :P


After, which i met up with DocLove and 2Emo for a movie at MarinaSquare...
Ocean's Thirteen..

ah..the good stuff..
the hilarious dialogues..
the action pack scenes..
the ingenious plans
the applied science of technology..
the "iknow,right,yup" understanding between george clooney and brad pitt

overall, the show was a good watch for the money spend..
after the movie ended, we hanged out for supper at.. this halay chinese cuisine shop called QIJI.. no photos from me here..
got lazy..

after all the food, the energy demands to be walked off, DocLove and myself walked to clark quay..
we got a few shots, but i suppose this two are the only ones that really looks alright.. we're noobs!! :P

If you look hard enough, DocLove can be found

After which, we parted ways.. he went clubbing and stuffs..
I went back to toa payoh and waited for Gary..

planning a stayover ..
where many many events happened that night..

Ah..that was a good weekend..
watched movies through the night..well..late into the night..

the ideal way of spending the weekends..


Pity it only lasted a weekend..
Signing off..

Cheers Guys..


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