Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Ninth Inch


word for today.. rathereventful..

although.. i cause quite abit of trouble and ruckus..
too many problems running through my head..
all under one period!

as humans..we have to face the problem head on..
i apologize for all the trouble i caused and created,
and humbly ask for everyone's graceful forgiveness..



On a lighter note,
an uncle of mine.. lend me his SLR.. Minolta Dynax 5000I
A manual SLR.. film operated..
ha.. got a crash course in the morning with him in his car...
woot.. planned to take photos after work :P

sadly i only have one lens..35-80mm

Work was... rather interesting today..
i really did socialize alot today!
firstly, during lunch break..

i was chatting up with this senior of mine..who was in NYP..started off with a psp.. *she's bringing her's tomorrow*.. haha PSP Valentine!! haH! to, her school life, she was from business side!.. the stories she told me about the engineering guys.. really kinda surpised me.. comparing back then.. and now.. i'm guessing our engineering guys are less punkish.. :P
not to mention that there are quite a number of nyp grad's there..

She always did tell me.. of her business plans.. ha.. i'm looking forward to working with her if i have the capital, if i get it :P

She's a cool lady yea..we chatted for an hour..
over her lunch..
and me with my milo..drank two cups.. Oh the sin!!..haha :P

had to teach a temp worker on the intranet background, jsp codings, sql.. html..

i think she was pretty much..stressed up, until she was told she didn't had to do it..
so..we kinda slack our way through..while i was doing the video editing
there were three of us.. two temps.. and an intern.. chatting away.. having fun!

talked about where they are studying, what they were doing, how old they were, surprisingly..they were my junior of one year..
one lady was in UNI!.. while the other temp is a poly grad..working part time..
ha..chatted alot yea.. nonsenses and work stuff :P


o.. it was after work, "2 emo" and myself planned to go hang out.. take some shots.. i finally get to play with the SLR..needed to get new film..
i didn't realize how pricey 35mm films are nowadays..even little people use it..haha
but..guessing from the developing charges.. it's gonna be one expensive hobby :P

we hanged at Plaza Sing..had pasta mania dinner.. and swensens for dessert..the usual stuff we always did as a group! Yup!

Walked to city hall, taking photos, sadly, "2 Emo" has the digital camera and the images is with her.. Gotta take it from her!

My shots..well.. i just gotta develop it to get the results..just hope it would be that bad..

After that, it's the usual, get home, shower, slack, relax.. routline.. till..well.. tomorrow..guess tomorrow would be another long day..wanna go for another round of shooting.. :P

till tomorrow..

Here's me..signing Off!


PSP VAlentin3



Blogger Ballistica said...


6:28 AM  
Blogger Jon said...

lol .. zomg .. its ballistica ..

2:12 AM  

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