Monday, June 04, 2007

Fifteen Paranoia

F.Y.P..for your prioritization

week two of final year project, it's been a tough one week, with napfa, the comprehending of the project's understanding..which i'm still having problems with till this week. Only 11 weeks Left.. i'm starting to get worried.

Today, i managed to install, both apache and MySql.. managed to create a DB.. and tables and i got the settings for the apache server up too..
testing the localhost settings and what not, kinda slow.. gotta take the working process a notch higher!..or several notches.. :S

Ha.. on the lighter side, we're kinda having fun in the lab.. making noises..
disturbing the student technicians.. making more noises.
poking people..
playing cards in lab..
adjusting the camera in school when necessary..
the usual jestering around yea..

oh well..for now, a good night's rest is the most important..been staying up late, packing the room.. bags.. yawn..

Oh yea.. and i just..confirmed..
this theory..
that..for one happy thing that happens to me..
a lof of unpleasant things will happen in contrast to the good things..

Karma.. ;)

oh well.. what can we do with low self esteem eh ;)

Seems that everyone around me is getting happy too..

Right Jon?..

i'm out..another day of Sql-ing, Php-ing awaits me..



Ha.. Killzone Liberation for the psp has just release it's patch, multiplayer capibility and a whole new chapter..gonna play that for awhile :P



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