Wednesday, May 23, 2007



2 Days and counting..
two more..

till we start our FYP..
let the worry begin!!

Although.. i got an excellent report on my evaluation form!
now how did that happen? aha

had a normal decent day at work today, the usual work stuff, along with last minute requests, comic reading.. wiki-sourcing..
probably would be the same for the last two days..

probably only good time of the day would be after work, where i went back to school..

got me-self some nice shots..

i'll let the images do the talking for this postal..

quite a bad use of lighting..

nah, that isn't me.. but i like this pose.. it's a little edited, suppose to give it an emo feel..but guess it ain't that bad

i know my shots are alittle shaky, but.. i'm learning as we go!.. got a lesson from brother yuen just now. :P cool crap..

and so, the day ended with me.. mis-placing my len cover.. and a bus trip home!
another day tomorrow, another day gone..
gone like yesterday is..

the future awaits!..
and i didn't have my dinner..d'oh ;)

Cheers for now!

PSP Valentine



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