Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Fourteen Angst!



Ha, so i'm back in School..attending my final year project..that one project that determines whether you get screwed or not.. and it doesn't look good for me..ha..

I Had my napfa test today, ugh.. boy it wasn't good.. but it was one of my best actually.. ha, if you leave out the pull ups and 2.4click run section.. :P actually had three Ace's.. and one D... and two F's.. not that bad given that.. i'm actually looking forward to failing everything.. ha.. but.. overall, still unfit..

the funny thing about it.. is that, they actually did award us with a certificate! whoaza! interesting.. Certificate Of Fitness Achievement..

Napfa Procedures

Step 1

Always check for the passing rate of every station.

Step 2

Have fun with friends before attempting any of the stations. :P

Step 3

Pray that the weather is that mild before it even starts..

Step 4

Whatever result you got yourself.. be happy, gather a group of friends and go knock yourselves out..

Right.. so after napfa.. we headed down to raffles city.. to check out some bags..which i have to list out later.. and research on the colors..

We came across a "Pavement Picasso" around the vicinity!.. It was rather cool..

with the top view perspective only thingamacha..
from what i decipher in that image.. it seems to be a futuristic Singapore.. with hover cars and what not..
I didn't take note when it was gonna end, but i do hope he creates more.... We sure could use alot of art in the area :P
Good Job Juilan M. or.. W.. i'm sure that's his name.. :p

We decided to have dinner at "The Cafe' Cartel"...oh.. Sin..sin..

The queue was rather long, think it took us a good.. twenty to twenty five minutes to get us in..

and.. with every cafe cartel tradition..
we started of with bread!
Lots of bread!!

*burps*, the bread alone was kinda filling..

Surprisingly, Eugene.. the skinnest of us all..isn't full..he wants more, and he got more!


Man, was this good stuff, with the fried fish.. the calarami rings, the prawn fritters, the coleslaw, cottage fries..the dips..
now, that one killed our appetite..
When our main courses came..
Jon and myself were the only one who was able to complete it..
Yikes.. :P

We had lots of fun in that cartel shop, from the service waitresses, the plans to spike the water flaskes.. the insecurity of paying the food.. the flying cheese flakes, vommiting into people's bags.. random photo taking.. ha..

and not forgetting the fact, that everything we lost in napfa..
we probably gained it back or more.. ha


i leave you guys with some random shots... or as Jon would describe it when you can't define the shots in any category... "artistic"


Artistic ain't it?
I'll just say..
"out of any fitable categories" ;)

L8er Guys!

psp affaire


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