Saturday, May 19, 2007

Tenth Purpose

C o l d

Post For May 19th.

Begun the day in a killzone! The war between the Helgast and ISA.. with heated trench wars, flamers and the occasionally grenadiers... eventually, the battle outcome wasn't decided and causalities between the battle was not properly declared by the time i left the house.

Had OCK for lunch..or rather..breakfast..
with G-man.. had quite alot of stuff..
ha.. if photos can show a thousand expressions..
OCK products on photos would be priceless..

met "Catches A" Koh late,
had a psp round of MPO..with g-man and Jon..

good stuff, a psp never cease to amaze me..
it doesn't let you down.. make you depress..
Unless..of course.. the battery dies..

Reached NS late.. the place was 'bloomed' with people! decided to have lunch..
Amazingly.. jon isn't gonna have a proper lunch with us!..



Apparently, he stopped his diet! which is good

so we had KFC...and that bugger got lucky.. a full meal for only 2.95.. the cashier key the price wrongly and just let him go.. both g-man and myself have to pay the full price..ugh.. Pris! see whatcha been missing

i Think..we kinda spotted, erm.. Jade Seah.. at NS.. shopping at Bata..
or, at least thats who i thought we spotted..
She's tall.. with or without that 7cm Heels she's wearing..
haha :P

NS changed, ALot..
There's this other attachment to the plaza called Square2
Like a NS2. Rather cool!, but honestly, the outlets there are more appealing to a female shopaholics of tastes.

We hanged at Timezone for quite abit!..
played this hunting game, where we get to test our primal SKILLS!


on a lighter note, you know those basketball simulator games, where you have to net a ball through the hoop?

Jon was rather a sharp shooter :P
he actually scored the ball.. on the top of the machine...
ha..if only i had a camera for sure events :P

asked for a temp application for timezone..
might consider going there.. :P
hopefully, if we do apply..we'll get posted to NS..
psss.. i know the name of it

sadly, g-man has to get the heck outta there, it was 1700hrs or so i think
so we went back to north point to chill

had fun with our psp, and chatting up..
actually had a longer session compared to last week..
one more chapter to the completion.. although.. should try neopets :P
ah, the days..
went back around 2130hrs..
had dinner with my parents at food court..good stuff...

kinda end the day by reading
Ms. Marvel, the events before civil war..

hopefully, fyp would be equally fun :P

for now..
i'll just end my rumblings..

and boy.. i sure do wanna watch.. NEXT and Blades of Glory..

l8er guys..

psp domaination



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