Sunday, May 27, 2007

Thirteen Devoids

And so , the attachment period ends..

i spend my last day at RCI slacking.. socializing and having fun..given that it was a friday too..
ended up with some images too..

Resort Condominium International

Situated at PWC Building..

Level 9

my work area.. the call center

Call center's slogan..

Give us a call, and we'll give you the world

Mr Ang Cheng Sim, probably one of the most 'socialiable' bosses

Colleagues!, my momsey in work in the middle, Laura =P

Customer Enquiry Team or CE Team, work with them quite alot.. some said that the boss(male) is probably one of the luckiest in the company.. ha.. three guesses why :P

got rather bored.. so i came up with this shot.. time to sin jon.. ;)

RCI MS Photo

RCI Member Services team..

i got asked to be the photographer for this group shot.. was rather worried about it..but nevertheless, it turned out pretty fine! ha! whew..

and so, my attachment period of 3 months(12 weeks) have ended, gone were the days of working for someone who depends on you, gone with the days of talking about office humor, gone were the days of squeezing in public transports packed filled with people..*which is good in fact*, gone were the days of just gazing, the meet ups.. the good fine food.. the banquets meetings..

but looking forward..
to everything new during the project periods..

with that.. i leave this post with one more image..

one that would help the post end easier... =P


Psp interchange

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