Thursday, June 21, 2007

Eighteen Postponem3nt.

My Blog Is Laggy

Fourth Week Of F.Y.P

Dang, i haven't been blogging or what not's..
kinda busy with work and play... or rather, i got lazy, so here i am, giving a low down on the stuff that my buds and myself have been up too..nothing too corny,
i'll start from last friday..

I was invited to Microsoft's XNA Framework workshop on friday, along with a project mate of mine..
Microsoft is located in One Marina Blvd. The NTUC building in raffles..
we almost locate the place, until we came across ONE RAFFLES QUAY wargh!!
Thanks to our superb navigation skills, we managed to reached the registration booth too early..

My Project mate.. the lovely.. PT..
we got to the registration too early, and was told to come back later...
so we kinda hanged at One Raffles Quay..
kinda spotted this outlet, called


The mandarin characters for CHOPSTICKS

the food served actually looks quite good, pity we didn't have much time, but i'm sure she would want to savor the cuisine with Doctor D =P

along, one raffles quay, we saw this whole line of colorful lines..
so i kinda took a shot of it..
figured this one was the best of them all..

Blurred colors.. wonderful ;)

So, we attended the workshop, it's about creating a Xbox360 game, from a particular coding, seems rather fun, but debugging it wasn't

all in all, the workship was informative, but like any workshops courses, they were encouraging us to join the workshop for a cheaper student rate price :P

The view from the microsoft workshop level was breathtaking, PT and myself were awed in our pants.. on our seats..

couldn't get good shots..
ha..or , i got alittle lazy..
so here's one :P


After, which i met up with DocLove and 2Emo for a movie at MarinaSquare...
Ocean's Thirteen..

ah..the good stuff..
the hilarious dialogues..
the action pack scenes..
the ingenious plans
the applied science of technology..
the "iknow,right,yup" understanding between george clooney and brad pitt

overall, the show was a good watch for the money spend..
after the movie ended, we hanged out for supper at.. this halay chinese cuisine shop called QIJI.. no photos from me here..
got lazy..

after all the food, the energy demands to be walked off, DocLove and myself walked to clark quay..
we got a few shots, but i suppose this two are the only ones that really looks alright.. we're noobs!! :P

If you look hard enough, DocLove can be found

After which, we parted ways.. he went clubbing and stuffs..
I went back to toa payoh and waited for Gary..

planning a stayover ..
where many many events happened that night..

Ah..that was a good weekend..
watched movies through the night..well..late into the night..

the ideal way of spending the weekends..


Pity it only lasted a weekend..
Signing off..

Cheers Guys..


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Friday, June 08, 2007

Seventeen. Against

so let me get this straight...

Third Week Of F.Y.P

the progress of work.. is very slow. very slow.
too slow indeed.
I just got an assignment today, and i have to work on it over the weekends,
not to mention that i have some other plans..

guess, this comes into priorty first.. but tomorrow' plan is rather i'll have to balance it out.

On another note.
we're going to lose a comrade.

lose him to the dieting, once over again..

Jonathan Andrew

alas..we knew him..
a once proud solider.
once known for his ability to forgo his diet
to sin badly
has fallen into dieting again.
He.. shall be remembered...
Jonathan Andrew Koh Ze Tong...
once a proud sinner...

you will be remembered...

PSP affaire..

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Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Sixteen Manages

And I Know It Sounds So Cliché

second day of the second week..

Project progress seems to be going very very slow..
but the fun in the lab increases..

everyone around me, seems to be on the right track of the project..
now i'm really worried.. tomorrow.. i shall have full concentration on the project..learn the langauge, and the design of the web site... wargh!..

till then.. i just wanna sit some punisher comics i got from my bud..and have some fun with killzone at the end of the day..

to Doctor Love..
the questions you state me.
the answers i had given you.
it remains.
the same.
but.. i guess i've become so numb.

Alright.. Crime Night tonight..
three hours of good stuff


time to watch some Telly..

l8er guys!

To Tell You This Everyday

-Psp Liaison-


Monday, June 04, 2007

Fifteen Paranoia

F.Y.P..for your prioritization

week two of final year project, it's been a tough one week, with napfa, the comprehending of the project's understanding..which i'm still having problems with till this week. Only 11 weeks Left.. i'm starting to get worried.

Today, i managed to install, both apache and MySql.. managed to create a DB.. and tables and i got the settings for the apache server up too..
testing the localhost settings and what not, kinda slow.. gotta take the working process a notch higher!..or several notches.. :S

Ha.. on the lighter side, we're kinda having fun in the lab.. making noises..
disturbing the student technicians.. making more noises.
poking people..
playing cards in lab..
adjusting the camera in school when necessary..
the usual jestering around yea..

oh well..for now, a good night's rest is the most important..been staying up late, packing the room.. bags.. yawn..

Oh yea.. and i just..confirmed..
this theory..
that..for one happy thing that happens to me..
a lof of unpleasant things will happen in contrast to the good things..

Karma.. ;)

oh well.. what can we do with low self esteem eh ;)

Seems that everyone around me is getting happy too..

Right Jon?..

i'm out..another day of Sql-ing, Php-ing awaits me..



Ha.. Killzone Liberation for the psp has just release it's patch, multiplayer capibility and a whole new chapter..gonna play that for awhile :P


Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Fourteen Angst!



Ha, so i'm back in School..attending my final year project..that one project that determines whether you get screwed or not.. and it doesn't look good for me..ha..

I Had my napfa test today, ugh.. boy it wasn't good.. but it was one of my best actually.. ha, if you leave out the pull ups and 2.4click run section.. :P actually had three Ace's.. and one D... and two F's.. not that bad given that.. i'm actually looking forward to failing everything.. ha.. but.. overall, still unfit..

the funny thing about it.. is that, they actually did award us with a certificate! whoaza! interesting.. Certificate Of Fitness Achievement..

Napfa Procedures

Step 1

Always check for the passing rate of every station.

Step 2

Have fun with friends before attempting any of the stations. :P

Step 3

Pray that the weather is that mild before it even starts..

Step 4

Whatever result you got yourself.. be happy, gather a group of friends and go knock yourselves out..

Right.. so after napfa.. we headed down to raffles city.. to check out some bags..which i have to list out later.. and research on the colors..

We came across a "Pavement Picasso" around the vicinity!.. It was rather cool..

with the top view perspective only thingamacha..
from what i decipher in that image.. it seems to be a futuristic Singapore.. with hover cars and what not..
I didn't take note when it was gonna end, but i do hope he creates more.... We sure could use alot of art in the area :P
Good Job Juilan M. or.. W.. i'm sure that's his name.. :p

We decided to have dinner at "The Cafe' Cartel"...oh.. Sin..sin..

The queue was rather long, think it took us a good.. twenty to twenty five minutes to get us in..

and.. with every cafe cartel tradition..
we started of with bread!
Lots of bread!!

*burps*, the bread alone was kinda filling..

Surprisingly, Eugene.. the skinnest of us all..isn't full..he wants more, and he got more!


Man, was this good stuff, with the fried fish.. the calarami rings, the prawn fritters, the coleslaw, cottage fries..the dips..
now, that one killed our appetite..
When our main courses came..
Jon and myself were the only one who was able to complete it..
Yikes.. :P

We had lots of fun in that cartel shop, from the service waitresses, the plans to spike the water flaskes.. the insecurity of paying the food.. the flying cheese flakes, vommiting into people's bags.. random photo taking.. ha..

and not forgetting the fact, that everything we lost in napfa..
we probably gained it back or more.. ha


i leave you guys with some random shots... or as Jon would describe it when you can't define the shots in any category... "artistic"


Artistic ain't it?
I'll just say..
"out of any fitable categories" ;)

L8er Guys!

psp affaire

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Thirteen Devoids

And so , the attachment period ends..

i spend my last day at RCI slacking.. socializing and having fun..given that it was a friday too..
ended up with some images too..

Resort Condominium International

Situated at PWC Building..

Level 9

my work area.. the call center

Call center's slogan..

Give us a call, and we'll give you the world

Mr Ang Cheng Sim, probably one of the most 'socialiable' bosses

Colleagues!, my momsey in work in the middle, Laura =P

Customer Enquiry Team or CE Team, work with them quite alot.. some said that the boss(male) is probably one of the luckiest in the company.. ha.. three guesses why :P

got rather bored.. so i came up with this shot.. time to sin jon.. ;)

RCI MS Photo

RCI Member Services team..

i got asked to be the photographer for this group shot.. was rather worried about it..but nevertheless, it turned out pretty fine! ha! whew..

and so, my attachment period of 3 months(12 weeks) have ended, gone were the days of working for someone who depends on you, gone with the days of talking about office humor, gone were the days of squeezing in public transports packed filled with people..*which is good in fact*, gone were the days of just gazing, the meet ups.. the good fine food.. the banquets meetings..

but looking forward..
to everything new during the project periods..

with that.. i leave this post with one more image..

one that would help the post end easier... =P


Psp interchange

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Thursday, May 24, 2007

Twelfth Twitch.

M e mory

One More Day in ResortCondoInternational..
frightfully.. it's sad to actually think about leaving the company
after all i have gone through, the colleagues i have bonded with, the outings after work, the eager anticipation to go home... sleeping on the job, exploring for lunch areas.. packed trains, buses, the occasion eye opener.. the friendly staff of your lunch areas, the $10 book guy, whom i actually made acquaintance with.. the western store malay auntie.. the security guards at PWC.. the receptionist in the company.. colleagues sitting around me where we had our laughs!.. my multiple bosses.. (total of 3 bosses in-charge of me).. my psp valentine aka bloodynypsenior, her two close friends.. the temp i just made friends with.. the preciously cute japanese aunt..
, that one building i can see from my seat...the two korean ladies... both which are cold-blooded killers.. woot! To quote one...

She Korean 1: "See you around! all the best!!"
Me : "Erm, tomorrow's my last day.."
She Korean 1: "oh? tomorrow? OKAY! SEE you TOMORROW!!, *waves hand away" *laughs*

when i meant the exclaimation marks.. i really do..she raise her voice..haha

I guess... i'll treasure the time spend here. The hours, sitting on my bum..bumming..working..sleeping..eating..sleeping...sleeping...working..

oh yea!.. not forgetting the toilet breaks..where i have my alone time..pSp

well.. one last big assignment tomorrow..

Take A photo of the entire call center.
That would be a challenge..
bringing my external flash along..
figured, thats my way of saying goodbye..
by "flashing" ;)

here's to end the post..
lunch time with Ja-"SmartSon" and "2Emo"

good times..good times..gonna miss banquet..

Never did saw this coming eh??, Me Neither :|

If a smile is worth the thousand emotional words written on a hardcover.. "2Emo" would probably be shake-her-sphere.. ;) Thanks "HalihauS"



Probably my best shot of the day. To Me.. being the star wars geek junkie too

Notice the other versions of troopers, snow trooper on the right, scout trooper on his right and a storm trooper in the back.. just lovely..

alright.. i;m ending it of here..
haven't been sleeping right lately..
and it's a long day tomorrow..
wishing all the Naaaa-phat people the best of luck yea ;)

for now..
cheers man!

I need a psp sig..

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