Thursday, May 24, 2007

Twelfth Twitch.

M e mory

One More Day in ResortCondoInternational..
frightfully.. it's sad to actually think about leaving the company
after all i have gone through, the colleagues i have bonded with, the outings after work, the eager anticipation to go home... sleeping on the job, exploring for lunch areas.. packed trains, buses, the occasion eye opener.. the friendly staff of your lunch areas, the $10 book guy, whom i actually made acquaintance with.. the western store malay auntie.. the security guards at PWC.. the receptionist in the company.. colleagues sitting around me where we had our laughs!.. my multiple bosses.. (total of 3 bosses in-charge of me).. my psp valentine aka bloodynypsenior, her two close friends.. the temp i just made friends with.. the preciously cute japanese aunt..
, that one building i can see from my seat...the two korean ladies... both which are cold-blooded killers.. woot! To quote one...

She Korean 1: "See you around! all the best!!"
Me : "Erm, tomorrow's my last day.."
She Korean 1: "oh? tomorrow? OKAY! SEE you TOMORROW!!, *waves hand away" *laughs*

when i meant the exclaimation marks.. i really do..she raise her voice..haha

I guess... i'll treasure the time spend here. The hours, sitting on my bum..bumming..working..sleeping..eating..sleeping...sleeping...working..

oh yea!.. not forgetting the toilet breaks..where i have my alone time..pSp

well.. one last big assignment tomorrow..

Take A photo of the entire call center.
That would be a challenge..
bringing my external flash along..
figured, thats my way of saying goodbye..
by "flashing" ;)

here's to end the post..
lunch time with Ja-"SmartSon" and "2Emo"

good times..good times..gonna miss banquet..

Never did saw this coming eh??, Me Neither :|

If a smile is worth the thousand emotional words written on a hardcover.. "2Emo" would probably be shake-her-sphere.. ;) Thanks "HalihauS"



Probably my best shot of the day. To Me.. being the star wars geek junkie too

Notice the other versions of troopers, snow trooper on the right, scout trooper on his right and a storm trooper in the back.. just lovely..

alright.. i;m ending it of here..
haven't been sleeping right lately..
and it's a long day tomorrow..
wishing all the Naaaa-phat people the best of luck yea ;)

for now..
cheers man!

I need a psp sig..

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Blogger DJustice said...

oooohhhh~~~ where u took dat pic for the troopers sia... nice~~~... and ya dun worry i will surely fai napfa one :p

8:58 PM  

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