Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Fourteen Angst!



Ha, so i'm back in School..attending my final year project..that one project that determines whether you get screwed or not.. and it doesn't look good for me..ha..

I Had my napfa test today, ugh.. boy it wasn't good.. but it was one of my best actually.. ha, if you leave out the pull ups and 2.4click run section.. :P actually had three Ace's.. and one D... and two F's.. not that bad given that.. i'm actually looking forward to failing everything.. ha.. but.. overall, still unfit..

the funny thing about it.. is that, they actually did award us with a certificate! whoaza! interesting.. Certificate Of Fitness Achievement..

Napfa Procedures

Step 1

Always check for the passing rate of every station.

Step 2

Have fun with friends before attempting any of the stations. :P

Step 3

Pray that the weather is that mild before it even starts..

Step 4

Whatever result you got yourself.. be happy, gather a group of friends and go knock yourselves out..

Right.. so after napfa.. we headed down to raffles city.. to check out some bags..which i have to list out later.. and research on the colors..

We came across a "Pavement Picasso" around the vicinity!.. It was rather cool..

with the top view perspective only thingamacha..
from what i decipher in that image.. it seems to be a futuristic Singapore.. with hover cars and what not..
I didn't take note when it was gonna end, but i do hope he creates more.... We sure could use alot of art in the area :P
Good Job Juilan M. or.. W.. i'm sure that's his name.. :p

We decided to have dinner at "The Cafe' Cartel"...oh.. Sin..sin..

The queue was rather long, think it took us a good.. twenty to twenty five minutes to get us in..

and.. with every cafe cartel tradition..
we started of with bread!
Lots of bread!!

*burps*, the bread alone was kinda filling..

Surprisingly, Eugene.. the skinnest of us all..isn't full..he wants more, and he got more!


Man, was this good stuff, with the fried fish.. the calarami rings, the prawn fritters, the coleslaw, cottage fries..the dips..
now, that one killed our appetite..
When our main courses came..
Jon and myself were the only one who was able to complete it..
Yikes.. :P

We had lots of fun in that cartel shop, from the service waitresses, the plans to spike the water flaskes.. the insecurity of paying the food.. the flying cheese flakes, vommiting into people's bags.. random photo taking.. ha..

and not forgetting the fact, that everything we lost in napfa..
we probably gained it back or more.. ha


i leave you guys with some random shots... or as Jon would describe it when you can't define the shots in any category... "artistic"


Artistic ain't it?
I'll just say..
"out of any fitable categories" ;)

L8er Guys!

psp affaire

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Thirteen Devoids

And so , the attachment period ends..

i spend my last day at RCI slacking.. socializing and having fun..given that it was a friday too..
ended up with some images too..

Resort Condominium International

Situated at PWC Building..

Level 9

my work area.. the call center

Call center's slogan..

Give us a call, and we'll give you the world

Mr Ang Cheng Sim, probably one of the most 'socialiable' bosses

Colleagues!, my momsey in work in the middle, Laura =P

Customer Enquiry Team or CE Team, work with them quite alot.. some said that the boss(male) is probably one of the luckiest in the company.. ha.. three guesses why :P

got rather bored.. so i came up with this shot.. time to sin jon.. ;)

RCI MS Photo

RCI Member Services team..

i got asked to be the photographer for this group shot.. was rather worried about it..but nevertheless, it turned out pretty fine! ha! whew..

and so, my attachment period of 3 months(12 weeks) have ended, gone were the days of working for someone who depends on you, gone with the days of talking about office humor, gone were the days of squeezing in public transports packed filled with people..*which is good in fact*, gone were the days of just gazing, the meet ups.. the good fine food.. the banquets meetings..

but looking forward..
to everything new during the project periods..

with that.. i leave this post with one more image..

one that would help the post end easier... =P


Psp interchange

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Thursday, May 24, 2007

Twelfth Twitch.

M e mory

One More Day in ResortCondoInternational..
frightfully.. it's sad to actually think about leaving the company
after all i have gone through, the colleagues i have bonded with, the outings after work, the eager anticipation to go home... sleeping on the job, exploring for lunch areas.. packed trains, buses, the occasion eye opener.. the friendly staff of your lunch areas, the $10 book guy, whom i actually made acquaintance with.. the western store malay auntie.. the security guards at PWC.. the receptionist in the company.. colleagues sitting around me where we had our laughs!.. my multiple bosses.. (total of 3 bosses in-charge of me).. my psp valentine aka bloodynypsenior, her two close friends.. the temp i just made friends with.. the preciously cute japanese aunt..
, that one building i can see from my seat...the two korean ladies... both which are cold-blooded killers.. woot! To quote one...

She Korean 1: "See you around! all the best!!"
Me : "Erm, tomorrow's my last day.."
She Korean 1: "oh? tomorrow? OKAY! SEE you TOMORROW!!, *waves hand away" *laughs*

when i meant the exclaimation marks.. i really do..she raise her voice..haha

I guess... i'll treasure the time spend here. The hours, sitting on my bum..bumming..working..sleeping..eating..sleeping...sleeping...working..

oh yea!.. not forgetting the toilet breaks..where i have my alone time..pSp

well.. one last big assignment tomorrow..

Take A photo of the entire call center.
That would be a challenge..
bringing my external flash along..
figured, thats my way of saying goodbye..
by "flashing" ;)

here's to end the post..
lunch time with Ja-"SmartSon" and "2Emo"

good times..good times..gonna miss banquet..

Never did saw this coming eh??, Me Neither :|

If a smile is worth the thousand emotional words written on a hardcover.. "2Emo" would probably be shake-her-sphere.. ;) Thanks "HalihauS"



Probably my best shot of the day. To Me.. being the star wars geek junkie too

Notice the other versions of troopers, snow trooper on the right, scout trooper on his right and a storm trooper in the back.. just lovely..

alright.. i;m ending it of here..
haven't been sleeping right lately..
and it's a long day tomorrow..
wishing all the Naaaa-phat people the best of luck yea ;)

for now..
cheers man!

I need a psp sig..

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Wednesday, May 23, 2007



2 Days and counting..
two more..

till we start our FYP..
let the worry begin!!

Although.. i got an excellent report on my evaluation form!
now how did that happen? aha

had a normal decent day at work today, the usual work stuff, along with last minute requests, comic reading.. wiki-sourcing..
probably would be the same for the last two days..

probably only good time of the day would be after work, where i went back to school..

got me-self some nice shots..

i'll let the images do the talking for this postal..

quite a bad use of lighting..

nah, that isn't me.. but i like this pose.. it's a little edited, suppose to give it an emo feel..but guess it ain't that bad

i know my shots are alittle shaky, but.. i'm learning as we go!.. got a lesson from brother yuen just now. :P cool crap..

and so, the day ended with me.. mis-placing my len cover.. and a bus trip home!
another day tomorrow, another day gone..
gone like yesterday is..

the future awaits!..
and i didn't have my dinner..d'oh ;)

Cheers for now!

PSP Valentine


Saturday, May 19, 2007

Tenth Purpose

C o l d

Post For May 19th.

Begun the day in a killzone! The war between the Helgast and ISA.. with heated trench wars, flamers and the occasionally grenadiers... eventually, the battle outcome wasn't decided and causalities between the battle was not properly declared by the time i left the house.

Had OCK for lunch..or rather..breakfast..
with G-man.. had quite alot of stuff..
ha.. if photos can show a thousand expressions..
OCK products on photos would be priceless..

met "Catches A" Koh late,
had a psp round of MPO..with g-man and Jon..

good stuff, a psp never cease to amaze me..
it doesn't let you down.. make you depress..
Unless..of course.. the battery dies..

Reached NS late.. the place was 'bloomed' with people! decided to have lunch..
Amazingly.. jon isn't gonna have a proper lunch with us!..



Apparently, he stopped his diet! which is good

so we had KFC...and that bugger got lucky.. a full meal for only 2.95.. the cashier key the price wrongly and just let him go.. both g-man and myself have to pay the full price..ugh.. Pris! see whatcha been missing

i Think..we kinda spotted, erm.. Jade Seah.. at NS.. shopping at Bata..
or, at least thats who i thought we spotted..
She's tall.. with or without that 7cm Heels she's wearing..
haha :P

NS changed, ALot..
There's this other attachment to the plaza called Square2
Like a NS2. Rather cool!, but honestly, the outlets there are more appealing to a female shopaholics of tastes.

We hanged at Timezone for quite abit!..
played this hunting game, where we get to test our primal SKILLS!


on a lighter note, you know those basketball simulator games, where you have to net a ball through the hoop?

Jon was rather a sharp shooter :P
he actually scored the ball.. on the top of the machine...
ha..if only i had a camera for sure events :P

asked for a temp application for timezone..
might consider going there.. :P
hopefully, if we do apply..we'll get posted to NS..
psss.. i know the name of it

sadly, g-man has to get the heck outta there, it was 1700hrs or so i think
so we went back to north point to chill

had fun with our psp, and chatting up..
actually had a longer session compared to last week..
one more chapter to the completion.. although.. should try neopets :P
ah, the days..
went back around 2130hrs..
had dinner with my parents at food court..good stuff...

kinda end the day by reading
Ms. Marvel, the events before civil war..

hopefully, fyp would be equally fun :P

for now..
i'll just end my rumblings..

and boy.. i sure do wanna watch.. NEXT and Blades of Glory..

l8er guys..

psp domaination


Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Ninth Inch


word for today.. rathereventful..

although.. i cause quite abit of trouble and ruckus..
too many problems running through my head..
all under one period!

as humans..we have to face the problem head on..
i apologize for all the trouble i caused and created,
and humbly ask for everyone's graceful forgiveness..



On a lighter note,
an uncle of mine.. lend me his SLR.. Minolta Dynax 5000I
A manual SLR.. film operated..
ha.. got a crash course in the morning with him in his car...
woot.. planned to take photos after work :P

sadly i only have one lens..35-80mm

Work was... rather interesting today..
i really did socialize alot today!
firstly, during lunch break..

i was chatting up with this senior of mine..who was in NYP..started off with a psp.. *she's bringing her's tomorrow*.. haha PSP Valentine!! haH! to, her school life, she was from business side!.. the stories she told me about the engineering guys.. really kinda surpised me.. comparing back then.. and now.. i'm guessing our engineering guys are less punkish.. :P
not to mention that there are quite a number of nyp grad's there..

She always did tell me.. of her business plans.. ha.. i'm looking forward to working with her if i have the capital, if i get it :P

She's a cool lady yea..we chatted for an hour..
over her lunch..
and me with my milo..drank two cups.. Oh the sin!!..haha :P

had to teach a temp worker on the intranet background, jsp codings, sql.. html..

i think she was pretty much..stressed up, until she was told she didn't had to do it..
so..we kinda slack our way through..while i was doing the video editing
there were three of us.. two temps.. and an intern.. chatting away.. having fun!

talked about where they are studying, what they were doing, how old they were, surprisingly..they were my junior of one year..
one lady was in UNI!.. while the other temp is a poly grad..working part time..
ha..chatted alot yea.. nonsenses and work stuff :P


o.. it was after work, "2 emo" and myself planned to go hang out.. take some shots.. i finally get to play with the SLR..needed to get new film..
i didn't realize how pricey 35mm films are nowadays..even little people use it..haha
but..guessing from the developing charges.. it's gonna be one expensive hobby :P

we hanged at Plaza Sing..had pasta mania dinner.. and swensens for dessert..the usual stuff we always did as a group! Yup!

Walked to city hall, taking photos, sadly, "2 Emo" has the digital camera and the images is with her.. Gotta take it from her!

My shots..well.. i just gotta develop it to get the results..just hope it would be that bad..

After that, it's the usual, get home, shower, slack, relax.. routline.. till..well.. tomorrow..guess tomorrow would be another long day..wanna go for another round of shooting.. :P

till tomorrow..

Here's me..signing Off!


PSP VAlentin3


Monday, May 14, 2007

Eighth Minute

Woke up to a dream today

A little trivia post today,

just remembering the "random questions" we played on saturday.

just remembered i didn't post any answers to the questions..

so i kinda was thinking what were the answers to the question..

and i think i vaguely figured some answers, just gonna post the best answers amongst us..

1) What do you want to do before you get too old to do it and regret about?

Multiple answers, Bungee Jumping, Get L@id, Travel Around the world

2) Your Ambition when you were young?

BEST ANSWERGynecologist - Jon "Catches A" Koh

3) Where do you want to propose to your partner?

While Sky Diving - Gary

4) What will be the first thing you'll get with a million dollars?

Purchase the Sentosa Resident Estate Even if one million isn't enough - Navdeep

5) If God appears before you and grants you 'A' wish.. what will it be?

To Make Everyone Content With Themselves - Jon "Catches A" Koh, rather good answer, giving God a vacation..

6) Ever thought of turning gay?

YES - The She Man 'Ballastica'.

7) Have you ever cheated on someone close to you?

YES - Gary To His Brother.

8) Would you considering migrating? and why?

YES, no reason, - Jon "Catches A" Koh

9) What are the criteria's for your partner?

Whoa..this question.... kinda forgot..
think gary said.. one that would understand him.. ;)

10) Descirbe one word of your childhood Crush

Once again, Jon's got the best answers, 'HAWT' was his answer
Cute was the other common one
Mine was sporty, oh the days ;)

11) where do you want to get married?

Two Answers, Gary's And Mine
Free Falling, With Churches and all Mine would be on a roller coaster, with priest, audience and all

12) If you could relive your life, how would you want it to be?

Too many.. i guess everyone agreed on, their regrets on their lives..

.. and not to eat too much =P

Ah, random questions..

love that game..

l8er guys..
have a good day/night/afternoon/evening/time

PSP for the WIN!


Saturday, May 12, 2007

Seventh Haven


Saturday Picnic!
Never had one of those in awhile!!
Gathered a couple of my classmate and my bud.

headed down to botantic gardens, was a little late this morning to get the food...
but nevertheless, got quite alot of stuff for six people :P

Chachos,Salsa Dips, Chicken!, Ribs!, Sandwiches! , Ice Tea Drinks.. man.. we're gonna sin today..

headed down to botantic gardens, imagine the heat when we got there!
scorching baby!!..

we have to shift three times to get the prefect shade..

the ambience was excellent, the family groups, their pet dogs, the occasional groups of teenagers/young adults.
the groups of camera happy party girls, the groups of camera men..the couples groups, joggers, and the odds of ends of tourists..

ah... botantic gardens.. a beautiful place with many shades of life :P

only thing missing was a rugby ball or a frisbee..
dang..oh well..

then again.. many excited things happened
classmate of mine got pretty lost in the park..
waited for him to get down before the party actually started!

we couldn't really start without him too..
he has our picnic mat..
our..funky..picnic mat.. a shower curtain..


so we settled down, talk amongst ourselves, an occasional dog pops by awhile..
gee.. when i'm older.. still a swinging bachelor, living in my 3 room flat.. ha.. i'm gonna get myself a dog..
a companion.. that appreciates you..

probably gonna name it rocky..
haha.. or.. maybe just dog..
the most..
i'll name it "emily"
but till that time comes..

so, we didn't have physical activites plan, so we played.."deadly" numbers, and random questions..

if i remember..
this are the questions we kinda asked around..

1) What do you want to do before you get too old to do it and regret about?
2) Your Ambition when you were young?
3) Where do you want to propose to your partner?
4) What will be the first thing you'll get with a million dollars?
5) If God appears before you and grants you 'A' wish.. what will it be?
6) Ever thought of turning gay?
7) Have you ever cheated on someone close to you?
8) Would you considering migrating? and why?
9) What are the criteria's for your partner?
10) Descirbe one word of your childhood Crush
11) where do you want to get married?
12) If you could relive your life, how would you want it to be?

haha.. as you can see.. we're all one big happy, singlehood bunch of friends..
chilling out can never be better!..

so we sat there asking each other questions until..say..sixteen hundred hours plus..
packed up.. and went for something i have been waiting..

photo shooting!!
took 96 shots this afternoon.. ;)
can't wait it to get it develop.. rained..yipeekayay..

imagine 20 over people packed into one medium size shelter porch..
thank goodness, my justice friend has an umbrella..
actually thought of starting a ferry service..2 dollars per head..:P

haha, after which, we headed down to paragon..
man, i guess it will be wrong if i said, i'm lusting over the sony alpha camera, i heard it wasn't that good, but neither am i..
but still, it's still some sweet stuff... dang.. ps3? or Sony Alpha.. time will tell i guess

went back to yishun to develop my film.
shucks..was rather dissapoint with the results.

Turns out that my first roll of flim has too many Over Exposed images.. only 11 images made it outta the 36..
and those that made it .. ain't very pretty from what i saw through the view finder..the second roll was better, less over exposed photos.. but more blurred photos..
there a couple of good one's though..
just..gotta scan it and upload it for everyone's viewing :P

we had leftovers from the picnic just my dinner consists of..
green tea, ham and cheese sandwiches..mmmm..mmm..chips with salsa dip.. and a little chicken to go with it..

you'll never guess where we had our dinner..haha

stayed in northpoint till 10..had some psp business going on..
another psp buddy to hang with.. got him some new game..

got back about..twenty three hundred..
noticed i had mud on shoes..dang.. took me away to get it off..

ah... guess, today was really a haven for me, to get away from all the events happening so sudden and confusing to me..
but, it'll all come back..
hopefully. not anytime soon..but hey, life just won't go my way.. :P

I HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOYED THE PICNIC TODAY, will improve the planning next trip\\

sentosa anyone?
bird park?? haha..

for now.. i'm just gonna kick back.
get some audio emo therapy on.
being rumbling too long for now ;)
sorry guys..

you guys have a good one!

PSP Escape


love that song from "Three Days Grace"

Cheers man..


Friday, May 11, 2007

Sixth Hour


Work was rather good today, i get to slack for alot today.. =P hahah

but, there is alway a fair amount of work to be done before slacking yea..
guess i gotta do work at home :P

Finally! i managed to socialize.. everyone in the office seems to be so busy and troubled with their work..
seems like a Kill Zone in there!! but at least today was a rather good day :P managed to chat up with a couple of colleagues.
managed to found out that one of them was a gamer =P woot! :P

after work, i hanged out with my classmates..
GRRRR hahah.. BATH!! you gave the wrong impression..

bumped into a very old friend of mine..
this german lady...was quite surprised that she recongized me..chatted up a short while before saying our goodbyes..

hang out at amk hub for awhile, check out games and played afool in the game shop :P
went to the "cheap" japanese restaurant where we had our dinner..
gotta say, the food it still good and cheap..
had the same stuff as last time

Katsu-Don and curry Udon..


Oh well.. jog it off later.. :P

made a mistake there..
apparently jogging on a digesting stomach isn't a very smart move..
but jogging get's alot of thoughts out..

you only think of two things when you Jog

1) Freak IT Hurts!
2) I Wanna Go Home

ah,.. this thoughts always inspires you to jog home faster..hahaha

jog awhile in my estate... to cool down.. and get things off my mind..

guess it won't be that...

oh well...sometimes.. or perhaps.. most of the time..
things just don't go my way...

at least..tomorrow.. would be eventful..

got the stuff ready!
Meeting early to get the goods!

for now, a good night's rest.. to clear the mind..and sorts..and machathingys..

dang..almost forgot to pack!! :P

signing off here..

Requring A PSP Comrade

CHeers guys! :P


Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Fifth 3Lemen+



  • Counting Down...2 Weeks And 2 More Days.

  • End Of Internship

  • Listening To Linkin Park

  • The Camera

  • Saturday

  • A Nice 'Park'

  • Obtaining A Better Business View.

  • Napfa

  • Low Self Esteem

  • A Lingering Thought In The Back Of MY COnfused Mind..

The Few things that were rushing through my mind, through and fro the whole day,
aside from the daily workload thoughts, this noggle of mine was just cycling between the list above.

in 2 weeks, my internship would end.. unless i get hired part time by them, it's good.. but at the same time, i'll be working more seriously then.
In this recent days, i've been listening to.. too much linkin park i can say, it's just on my playlist, in work, my ipod, my speakers are home, even my mom complained about me blasting it.. haha.. imagine..listening to linkin park, in the early morning. ;) Lovely.

I'm looking forward to saturday too.. I'm just gonna go around, snapping photos, aimming to finish 5 rolls of film :P just dying to see the effects of the camera.
And sides, i'll be able to upload it to ;).. if my scanner works..ha..


well, kinda expecting it.. guess i'm gonna get my favourite medal this year again.

oh well..

comes down to my last two thoughts,

Low Self Esteem.
I always have this problem.. it never cease to frighten me, how i can sometimes forgot that i actually have this problem. Given the recent events, i guess it will come back.. slowly, engulfing me in it's tentacles.. consuming whole by whole..
till.. well.. you get the picture.

And as for the lingering thought?
Just a couple of words..

I'm Hanging...

back to some Linkin Park.

To Quote my favourite LP song..
Pushing Me Away.-Reanimation

"Why I stay
When you just push away
No matter what you see
You’re still so blind to me"

planning to start on another prototype,
those who know me knows what i mean, those who don't, stand by for images.

Would you be my PSP valentine??



Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Forth Postal



My parcel came!!, i couldn't believe it was that fast!!
was expecting it to be arriving on a certain later date, say, end week,
side this item was gonna keep me going.. from the emotional dents in the hull of this S.S series..

So, what did i get,...

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Fish Eye 2!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

this camera's a beau...
sure it doesn't have the ability of a DSLR or a normal digital camera in fact,
but the fact that the lens is fish eye..
Brings a tingling feeling down the spine to my trigger finger.

Of course, i couldn't get this baby without my best bud's help :P

The set comes with an extra COLOR FLASH
With twelve colors to choose from.
The endless limit of colorful fun will be present for awhile.
Tried playing with the shutter binds for abit, and the multi exposure, probably won't know the total effect till i develop it :P

Brought it out for a test run.

Got two rolls of 35mm Film
Batteries, and a very very keen eye for images

Took images of the band and surrounding images.
Will upload it when i develop it

Probably this weekend.

For now.
Bearing the emotional injuries.
This finger cannot wait for tomorrow's escapade for fish eyeing :p

and.. i guess..
Iron man the animated movie awaits.

Nothing beats watching a flick before sleeping
especially when you're down :P

cheers man.

still looking for that psp buddy

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Third Post@L



Woke up late :P

Had a pretty good night ripping games.

Planning to upload it up this morning, but guess i got carried on with snoozing,
so , i kinda uploaded it in the afternoon, played a couple of rounds of PKR with a buddy of mine! Had an interesting match! one on one, poker, Texas,Hold'em!

as usual, i do recommended it to the average card player,, check it out, get to know the Community, it's a very interactive game! where you can either invest in "real credits" or "play money", the latter being free yea ;)

there are many many more functions in that game too, dressing your character, giving them unique emotes, you just gotta try.. it's interesting.

ha, so aside from games, i managed to catch one movie.


good stuff... it's funny, and gives a whole new twist to Little Red Riding Hood.
think Little Red Riding Hood, Criminal Minds, Triple X, a little of the Matrix, and a couple of movies i have yet to comprehend, and you got yourself "HoodWinked"
a whole lot of nonsense
but still, able to keep your mind laughing for abit ;)

gee..just realise i've been rumbling for too much..

Guess i'll go back to a new comrade to play with :P

If you're ever interested to play :P

Buzz me..

i'm still looking for a psp buddy though
it would be You!?



Saturday, May 05, 2007

Second Postal


Alright, so here's another post, although i don't actually know who read this,
but nevertheless, i'll post,

so this weekend was a rather good one,
made an online purchase, which with be mention as the next weekend comes,
had some friends stayed over, had a good match with our PSPs..i do recommend it to anyone who wants to get things outta their heads, and if you need someone to play with you? hey! me :P and what's a stayover without a movie?? No, it ain't romance, no it ain't Thriller, yes , it's geeky. no, it's not spiderman3, although... :P :P.. we managed to "obtain" a marvel animated movie, MARVEL:ULTIMATE AVENGERS, it's good stuff, but nothing can beat the comics. :P

Thinking about attachment... i mean.. attachment end, gets the blood rushing, hoping to head
back to school as soon as possible!!
The many passing faces, both doubtful and familiar would bring that once forgotten feeling back.

Sides, travelling to Raffles kills, i rather travel to school :P

Hopefully RCI still demands me talent..which i have no idea what it is..

and i'm still looking for that PSP gaming buddy,
hopefully it could be


Cheers for now.


Thursday, May 03, 2007

First Postal.


Alright, so here i'm blogging, why? i have no idea, i guess it was a spur of a moment kinda thingamacha, or it could be the fact that a friend of mine told me something about blogging,
so i created an account, throw in a skin, edit it alittle, and here we are, a new escapade in a untold chapter.

I guess as time goes on, i'll update on the skin, the stuff.. and probably learn more about blogging.

And.. i guess i still have to learn about what to blog?..why should we blog,

i actually did blogged once..


Link Here
Not good in it anyways. But i guess, a simple blog starting off would be lovely.

Cheers anyways eh.
If you do stumble across this blog..

tag along for the ride yea ;)
